Reminder Service (Free) We will set you up with a free account to receive sms, email and voice receive reminders via sms, email, twitter or voice call. Change reminder types with a click.....
Data Entry $14.99 (60 min)Do you need assistance with creating a spreadsheet or entering data to Excel? We can assist you with this task. Rest easy and allow our capable staff to work for you .
Virtual Assistant $14.99 (60 min)Have your very own Virtual Personal Assistant at the surprising low,affordable rate. We can take you take your task by telephone or by email. complete it, then forward it back to you . You will be abl...
Errand Run $29.00 (60 min)Do you simply have a basic errand which needs to be taken car of however, you just don 't have the time to run it right now? Rest easy, schedule an 'errand run' with My Personal Assistant and we will ...
DMV Trips & Paperwork Assistance $39.99 (120 min)What could be worse then having to take a half day off from work, to make a trip to Moter Vehicles. Our personal assistants will gather the necessary information and make the trip for you to DMV (Base...
Bill Expense Management $39.99 (60 min)Keeping track of monthly bills can be an overwhelming task. Untimely payments can lead to Late Fees, Increased Interest Rates and Bad Credit. Let us review you monthly bill and improve you Bill Manage...
Coordinate Vehichle Maintenance $39.99 (120 min)Sending your car to the mechanic can at times be like a pot luck dinner. You never know what you are going to get. Do mechanics at times overcharge for work performed?? Definitely. Do we always have t...
Property Management Assistance $39.99 (120 min)Do you work a full time job, own you own home plus one or more rental properties? What a great investment! But time consuming....We can assist you with many of the duties which come along with being a...
Traffic Court Assistance/Proxy $49.99 (120 min)Uggghhh, another traffic ticket. I guess Ill just pay it Not so fast.Disputing traffic tickets in court can quite often work in your favor. Penalties can often be negotiated down before trial reducing...
Refinance Assistance $99.00 (120 min)We can assist with the legwork involved with Refinancing your home. Taking on this task can be confusing and a time consuming task. Let us assist you with this. Did you know you can also refinance an...
Other/Special Request (60 min)Please make this selection if the Personal Assistant service you would like is not listed on our services page. We will do our very best to accomodate you.
Gift Certificate Present you friend, family member or coworker with the Personal Assistant service of their choice for the Holiday's. They will be able to sit back, relax and enjoy their very own Personal Assistant